Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quiz #17 Answer: Arterial line trace

Below is the image of ICU monitor of a teen ager.
Question 1: What is the name of the pulse pattern seen in the arterial line trace?
Answer: Pulsus paradoxus

Question 1: What are the 3 cause of such pulse pattern in any patient?
Answer: Pericardial tamponade, Severe asthma (Status asthmasticus) and Hypovolemia.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Quiz #16: Answer (Echocardiogram - Pericardial effusion - M-mode)

Question: Image below is a parasternal short axis view recorded in a patient who presented with pericardial effusion. What ominous sign is being demonstrated?

Answer: Diastolic collapse of the RV free wall (Arrows. But, not seen in every beat due to movement artifacts). This is an echocardiographic sign of cardiac tamponade.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quiz #15: 12-lead EKG - Inverted P in Lead I

Answer: There is P wave inversion in lead I and aVL. However, R wave progression in chest leads is normal. Therefore, this is misplacement of limb leads. Compare the corrected EKG when the same baby was 3 days old with normal lead placements.(Click on the images to enlarge)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quiz #14 Answer: EKG - Inverted P wave in lead I.

Question 1: What is the diagnosis?
Answer: Dextrocardia

Question 2: Provide 2 salient findings that support the diagnosis:
Answer: (i) Inverted P wave in leads I & aVL. (ii) Lack of R wave progression in chest leads (V1-V6)

Compare this EKG with that in Quiz #15.

Click on the image to enlarge.